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Power in The Feminine?

There’s been an uprising this year and it’s brought a smile to my face and a warm fuzzy feeling to my heart. What is this uprising I hear you ask? It’s the surge of feminine energy that is going for gold, success, power, the millionaire mindset…you name it and they are going for it.

Not only have I spoken at TWO big women-only events already this year, I’m also speaking at “International Women of Power” this weekend and attended my own ladies only event…The One Retreat that focused on us as women as well as the success of our business.

What I’ve found is that something very special happens when women come together…they nurture and help each other. They want other women to feel good about themselves and offer support and advice in a gentle way that is more easily received. They have a willingness to share contacts and an open heart to hear what is being said.

Now before you guys get up in arms about my observations…there are many men out there that would also do this. In my experience it’s not ever so obvious in a male only group. Maybe that’s the competitive edge in guys. The competitive edge is different in women…it’s more “we can all be successful…there’s enough to go round…together we are stronger”

So maybe we can all adopt a more open and collaborative approach regardless of what sex you are. One that is more curious, supportive and giving. I know that this approach works brilliantly for increasing sales. The more of these qualities you display when communicating with your customers, the more they want to buy from you. So let’s get feminine and show that there is power in that too!

Until next time.



PS: Download my complimentary report “The 9 Biggest Sales Mistakes” here



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Leigh Ashton 7L

About leighashton

Hi I’m Leigh Ashton a speaker, trainer and coach. I help sales people and business owners get more sales. Companies come to us when they’ve tried everything to increase sales productivity and it’s failed to work consistently. I’ve been in sales for 27 years and many moons ago as a young sales manager I was frustrated with the inconsistent performance of my sales team. This motivated me to go and find out why this happens...and how to fix it. What I found was that what goes on inside a person’s head has the biggest impact on whether they achieve sales success or not. So for the last 15 years I’ve coached sales people on how to use psychology to make positive changes to their attitude, their approach and their sales results. Sales people can often lack the inner confidence and practical strategies to achieve great sales results on a consistent basis. Conventional sales training doesn’t address the psychological barriers that get in their way. My approach takes your sales team through a process that: • Helps them identify their psychological barriers and gives them the tools to overcome them • Teaches them how the mind works so they can keep motivated and stay focussed • Gives them the ability to identify the psychological patterns of their clients and prospects so they connect with them at a deeper level and close more sales And at a higher level... • It creates more success in other areas of their lives so they are happier generally...and happier sales people generate more sales I’m known for inspiring sales people to take action and increase sales anywhere from 20-200%...with sustainable ongoing growth after completion of the programme.


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